
Top 10 Health Benefits to Eat Vegetables Foods


I know Vegetables don’t taste as good as burgers or being completely honest they are not even close to the cheesing melting burger you ate two days ago but what if I tell you that burgers, or any junk food for that matters, won’t do you any good. Yes, there, I said it!

I am not asking you to completely give up your burger appetite but what you need to do is try having vegetables on daily basis. The choice is yours now. You can either keep it real or make a salad or something or you can sneak them into a smoothie. Because the benefits I’m going to share with you will make you want to eat vegetables every day. Behold! Here are top 10 benefits to eat vegetable foods.

  1. 1.     Makes your skin radiant


Having problem with your skin? Does it not glow like it is supposed to? One of the reasons might be that you’re not eating enough vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of water which not just help your skin get your glow back but also removes acne too.

A study conducted by Dr Ian Stephan at the University of Nottingham that for looking to gain a greater glow for your skin, there is no better long lasting remedy than eating vegetables generously. (Reference: https://www.sciencedaily.com/)

  1. 2.     Help with the weight loss


Having the best skin with the best body is like cherry on top and it comes as no surprise when I say that vegetables also help you lose weight because they contain almost no levels of fat or sugar.

Vegetables are like the ever-lasting friends which are benefit for almost everything and anything. They don’t just have any level of fat but it contains high amount of fiber. Having a diet with no calories is something we all crave for.

A study conducted by Yeo and Roberts showed the link between eating low fat, high fiber food and weight loss. This study lasted longer than six months.(Reference:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

In short, a diet containing high amount of vegetables and more use of this diet in your daily nutrition can help you lose weight.

  1. 3.     Improve Mental Health and Memory


There is a reason when your mothers scold you because you are not having enough of vegetables in your diet. When we talk about vegetables and its benefits, it not only focuses on our physical health but also our mental state of mind and its health.

A study by Olivia Okereke on memory retention found that over the period of 4 years that the mental capacity of their subjects, those with higher content of fat in their diet, performed remarkably worse in mental test as compared to those with low fat content. (Reference: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)

This might also be due to the buildup fat deposition in the body which could ultimately lead to Alzheimer’s.

One particular vegetable which might help you with better mental health is tomato because of the particular pigment present in it whatsoever.


  1. 4.     Better eye sight


Being a short sighted person myself, I would literally try everything or anything someone might recommend me for better eye sight because no one knows the value of 6/6 eye sight except for the person who has to wear glasses or contacts 24/7 and is practically blind without it.

Carrots have shown to build-up night vision for some people. And to what extent is that true?

A study from Perlman showed that the poor eye sight was due to the reduced levels of Vitamin A in the body.(Reference:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

The experiment showed that some of the patients were given Vitamin A injections while the others were not. Those patients who received Vitamin A injections showed retention of eye sight within 7 months as compared to the group who was not supplemented with Vitamin A injections.

  1. 5.     Keeps you hydrated


When we talk about vegetables, we know that most of them contain 85% water in them. The top listed vegetable with the highest amount of water are cucumber, lettuce and celery which contains 95% water. Imagine how beneficial they must be for your health.

These vegetables keep you hydrated and fresh. Some of the vegetables are not completely water based but it makes a perfect sense when I say that vegetables are the best for keeping you hydrated and fresh.

  1. 6.     Lower the risk of cardio vascular diseases


Most of the cardio vascular diseases arise due to the increased cholesterol and fat content in the body which ends up with deposition and further cardio vascular diseases. And I don’t even have to explain how vegetables might lower the risk of cardio vascular problem because they contain low fat content.

The Harvard Public Health Institute suggests that foods with high fat content (high levels of cholesterol in the body) when eaten for a long time, may prove fatal. (Reference: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/)

And so vegetables are the perfect treatment for yet another disease. What it tells us is that we need to hold back on our favorite street food and the cheesy burgers and the spiciest steaks.

  1. 7.     Less chance of kidney stones


Not just cardio vascular diseases, but diseases like constipation and kidney stones can also be treated by regular intake of vegetables on daily basis to a great extent.

New York University Langone Medical Centre reported that high level of vegetable in the diet is associated with low formation of kidney stones. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

  1. 8.     Improves mood


It sounds a little irrational but studies have shown a link between better mood and vegetable consumption.

Researchers at Benedectine University performed an experiment which clearly showed that restricting the consumption and animal products like fish, poultry and meat was directly proportional to the elevated mood. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

It does sound bizarre too because event thinking of vegetables makes my mood go low but scientifically proven studies show a completely opposite result.

  1. 9.     Low risk of obesity


The fact that we will be taking almost no amount of fat in our diet clearly gives the idea that we won’t be getting fat at all. Eating vegetables avoid binge eating.

According to University Hospital in Belgium, following a vegetarian diet not only brings benefit in short term but also in preventing long term obesity. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

  1. 10   Reduces incidence of Diabetes


According to the studies conducted in Loma Linda University School of Public Health, vegetable reduces the risk of Diabetes. Vegetables offer an important benefit for the management of diabetes and can even reduce the likelihood of development by one half. (Reference: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com)


The fact the vegetables can be roasted, baked, mashed or consumed directly is the reason that it is the most versatile food in the world.



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About The Author

Rachel Stinson has always had a knack for writing, food, fashion, and places. Blogging has combined all four for her with an added bonus of enthusiastic audiences. She expertly analyzes real estates and restaurants with respect to pricing and people involved and can express her opinions in an unhesitant, engaging manner.

Plant-Based Diet Reverses Heart Disease

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PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) says not only can you prevent heart decease with a plant-based diet but if you already have it, you can reverse it! 198 patients with cardiovascular decease were put on a diet free of meat, fish, diary and added oils. 89% of the participants followed the diet and 81% improved their disease. In addition these patients lost an average of 18.7 pounds. 22% saw a complete reversal of the disease.

Disease is our bodies way of saying we are providing it with inferior food and air. It can no longer function properly so it begins to break down. Like a city that breaks down, you can decide to change it. Clean it up and revitalize it again. Is your body working with inferior products?


How to get Lowest Risk of Heart Disease

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The PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) quoted a study published in “Public Health Nutrition” that says Vegetarian and Vegan eaters have the lowest risk of heart disease! The study stated:

Those who consumed a vegetarian/vegan diet had fewer heart disease risk factors including lower blood pressure, half the risk of diabetes, and a 44 percent reduced risk for hypertension, compared with those who consumed pesco-vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets. Additionally, vegetarians and vegans were 43 percent less likely to be obese, compared with non-vegetarians.

If you are on the border about meat and animal protein (eggs, milk, meat and cheese), seriously limit it’s intake or stop all together. If you can’t stop eating meat at least limit the portions to a small piece once or twice a week and increase your vegetable intake drastically. A good indicator of how much animal protein is safe is 10% of all your food intake (from “The China Study”). Count all the calories you consume in a day. Then count the calories from meat, eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt. Divide the animal protein calories by the total calories. If your number is higher than 10%, you may be at risk of diseases including heart disease and cancer.

Unfortunately the Standard American Diet (SAD) is very sad. Americans that eat eggs, bacon butter and milk for breakfast; meat and cheese for lunch and meat and potatoes for dinner have an animal protein percentage over 60% (some in the 90’s). Our bodies were not built for this type of consumption. The proof is all around you, JUST LOOK! WE have many more hospitals, medical centers and chronic illnesses are way up. It’s not just old people but our children are falling victims to these diseases at am alarming rate.


Obesity among Children Increases!

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The PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) says obesity among our children is on the rise. A study by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) indicates that obesity for children ages 2 to 19 is increasing. What are we doing to our children? It is one thing for an adult to live a style that leads to obesity but to do this to our children is wrong! We know that sweets, sugar, salts, fried foods and processed foods (most of what Americans eat) is the cause. Take control back of your shopping and kitchens! Buy more fruits and vegetables, buy organics, Don’t buy processed (frozen, canned or boxed) and stop frying foods. Reduce drastically the amount of fast foods in your children’s diets. If you don’t, they will be burdened with weight problems their entire lives.

Obesity leads to many diseases like High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol issues, Heart disease, cancer and Diabetes. These are the top killers of Americans. Who will protect your children from these killers if you don’t? Having these conditions requires medication which leads to many other side effects.


Are Low Carb Diets good for you?

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Dr Greger says “NO!” Watch the informative video below. Americans are bossed with lowering their waist lines. Many things, says Dr Greger, can lower your waistline including: An all diet of twinkies, chemo therapy but he says the goal is not to fit into a thinner casket but live with less weight. We were and still are into calories but calories don’t tell the whole story. A high calorie diet of fried foods vs a high calorie diet of fruits and vegetables are quite different. Yes keeping the waist line down is important but so is health and being alive.

Low carb diets are the rage but are they good for you? The answer seems to be NO! Low carb diets destroy our arteries allowing heart diseases to prevail. Don’t be taken in by the latest fad. Don’t look for quick fixes, they don’t exist. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Is your diet primarily made up of animal protein (meat, eggs, butter and cheese)? Consuming animal protein of more than 10% of your total calorie intake can lead to cancer and heart disease. – The China Study
  2. Is your diet primarily made up of processed foods. Eating at chain or fast food restaurants, canned, boxed or frozen foods. Even things that seem healthy like baby carrots are processed and unhealthy. if what you eats grown, it’s good for you.
  3. Is your diet primarily made up of sweets, fried foods, salty foods and fast foods? If so you are starving your body of much needed nutrients.

We need fats, carbs and nutrients for proper health. That doesn’t mean eat all the fats you want. Start teaching your family what healthy eating is. Show them by your example. You will trim down, be healthier, have better sex and be happier.


Death is Nuts!

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Can something as simple as nuts help prolong death? Dr Greger says YES! Nuts have always been considered healthy. A study done at Harvard says nuts lowered cancer and heart disease. But nuts are fattening aren’t they? It turns out nuts do NOT increase body weight. Are nuts part of your diet? If not start eating them. If you are eating them, KEEP IT UP! it appears the benefits will pass when you stop eating nuts. Isn’t it better to take some nuts, vegetables & fruits instead of a handful of artificial drugs?


Testimonials on My Book

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Here are a few of the Testimonials from my book:

“You’ll enjoy this book. I gave Scott George’s book and he loved it. gave it to Nancy who’s been reading it. she wants to buy it because she likes it so much and wants to undeline certain passages. She was at our lawyer’s yesterday and was reading it. Our company lawyer was familiar with the book. how about that?” -Ray

“I want to say thank you for opening my eyes. I’ve been stubborn about what I eat. During my vacation, I finished your book. WOW!! You’ve opened my eyes wide. Just wanted to let you know – I am listening………..” – Kar

“August 2011 I was surprisingly diagnosed with MS. I am 41 years old with an active 3 1/2 year old son, I was afraid to go to sleep for many nights fearing that when I woke up I would not be able to walk. I cried day in and day out. I did not understand why this had happened to me. A very good friend gave me the book her brother wrote “Food for Thought”. I pray and talk to God just about every day and let him know how thankful I am that my family and son are healthy and that my MS is not worse than it is. I do know there are many people worse off than me but I waited a long time for my son and now I feel bad that I can not run and play with him like he wants me to and how I want to. So much of what I have read makes a lot of sense and has made me change the way I eat, I won’t lie not 100% yet. But I ordered a HealthMaster mixer and started to juice a lot of green leafy vegetables and fruit, which in the past I never ate. I have cut down on my sugar and milk intake. I try to think positive and tell my body that the MS must leave and that my body needs to use the new food I am giving it to change what is happening. I will be honest this part has not been easy for me but with good friends and family to lean on I am getting by. I don’t know if all of this will work but I do know that I have now read other books along the same line and eating fruits and vegetables have worked for other people, so I am going to do what ever I can to help rid my body of this awful disease. I am very thankful to my friend Kathy and her brother George, they helped me take my first step toward a healthier life not only for me but for my son.” -Dawn

“‘Genes simply respond to data coming from our environment.’ ~ pg. 42, ‘Food for Thought’ is a very interesting book that deals with the issue of preventing disease instead of just treating disease. Most doctors won’t tell how to avoid illness, they only treat the symptoms – most times not even curing the disease. George J. Febish and Jo Anne Oxley believe the right course is to eat a vegetarian diet. They also encourage the reader to stay positive, be forgiving and to make lifestyle changes that will lead to a healthier life. Getting cancer, being obese, having heart problems and getting diabetes does not have to be in your future. The authors give tips and tools for changing your way of thinking, therefore changing your life. If you loved biology in school that will help you while reading this book since then you will be able to visualize what the authors are saying. This book also discusses Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics.” -The Rebecca Review

“This is a must read if you are serious about making positive changes to promote a healthy lifestyle.”

Food For Thought

Food For Thought: An Epigenetic Guide To Wellness

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Food For Thought: An Epigenetic Guide To Wellness

Buy The Book

Also available online at: Barnes and Noble and Amazon online.

Book Description

American health is getting worse and people believe getting
old equates to getting ill. That is absolutely not true! You are empowered to
be as healthy as you can be. You DO NOT have good or bad genes. The problem is
that genes are being turned ON or OFF which causes health or illness. What
turns our genes on and off? How can we control these switches? These are the
main topics of this book.

Two new fields of biology, and how they impact the quality
of your life, are explored in the book. Epigenetics
is the study of how our genes are switched on and off. For example, cancer
genes can either be turned on or off and tumor fighting genes can be turned on
or off. Nutrigenomics is the study
of how different foods cause epigenetic switches to our genes. It is a mapping
of which foods switch on or off which genes.

The state of your health is not random nor is it luck. It is
the sum of all the decisions you make in life. It includes which foods you eat
and don’t eat, how you think, what you believe in as well as the physical
environment you live in. Learn how you can control these life changing switches
to improve your health, lifestyle and mental attitude. Each of us is
responsible for our own health. Our doctors and government are not responsible.
Make the right decisions and live a better life. The choice is yours!

Food for Thought!

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My book, Food for Thought, explains how we have evolved into the creatures we are today. How our cells work together to form the human we are. It explains how epigenetics“fires” our DNA, turning genes ON or OFF. Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes it is not. When it’s not a good thing, we get sick. epigenetics is a relatively new science. Every university is studying it now. The larger universities have epigenetic departments. What parts of our environment “fire” these genes is a major ongoing study. We know it is the food we eat, how we think and believe, the stress in our lives and exercise. Nutrigenomics is the study of which foods cause which epigenetic changes. This is an even newer science and still in its infancy.

The book is targeted to the average person on the street and is easy to read and understand. The book is available online at Barnes & Noble and Amazon in Hard and soft covers as well as eBook. Let me know what you think.

Food For Thought - An Epigenetic Guide to Wellness

Food For Thought – An Epigenetic Guide to Wellness

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How I got Started in Epigenetics

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DNA and how it affects us has been a long time passion for me. In college I studied Physics. I remember the scientists of that time said “once we understand the DNA codes, we will know everything about life!” Of course this was false. The more we learned the more questions we had. At first epigenetics was ignored but later it became apparent that epigenetics was so much more important than genetics. It was a system that turns ON and OFF your genetics. This is very much like a computer comparing hardware to software. Software is so much more important than hardware but it couldn’t work without the hardware. Software turns on hardware instructions in a certain order thus creating the a program

Years later I studied everything I could find on epigenetics and wrote my book, “Food for Thought“. It was an attempt to document all the available knowledge on epigenetics that affects our health. It was written for the general population although many doctors and scientists read my BLOG and ask me questions. It was clear that epigenetics was affected by diet, stress, thought and belief. We are social animals that interact with our environment. This interaction can cause both positive and negative health effects.

The most import thing to remember is “YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH!” Thinks about that! Now read my research in the back of the book and watch the videos on my video tab. Try to lead a life:

  1. Free of stress (as much as possible)
  2. Watch your diet (eat more vegetables & fruits)
  3. Be positive (put out of your mind all negative thoughts)
  4. Believe in yourself

You will find your weight down, your health improved and your sex life better.

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