
Where do you get your Protein?


As vegetarians, we are this question all the time. We are also asked “what do you eat?” The answer to the first question is everything! Anything from plant or animal kingdoms are made of cells which are constructed from protein.

I saw the following picture snd it just said it so well.


Vegetarians – Where Do You Get Your Protein?

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As a vegetarian, I am always asked “Where do you get your protein?”. All food is made of protein! Every cell in every animal, vegetable and fruit are made of protein. A recent study, as reported by Dr Greger in his video below, shows that all Americans, carnivores, vegetarians and vegens get more protein than they need on a daily basis. Too much protein can be toxic and affect the kidneys and liver. So put to rest this question once and for all. We are all getting enough protein in our diets.

Dr Greger asks a more important question, “Where do you get your fiber?”. 97% of Americans are DEFICIENT in fiber! This is a major concern to your health. Some Americans think that steak gives them fiber. This is false. By definition, fiber ONLY comes from plant foods. If you are not eating enough vegetables and fruits, you are NOT getting enough fiber!

What are you eating?


Cholesterol and Breast Cancer

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One in every eight woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer. That is sad but the really sad thing is it can be prevented with a dietary change. Dr Greger says that broccoli, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and other plant-based foods can reduce the risk. He says new studies show a link between cholesterol and breast cancer. The cholesterol fat feeds the cancer and allows it to grow. the study shows a 17% increase in cancer risk for women with cholesterol over 240 as opposed to those under 160. This may be why cholesterol drops in cancer patients. The cancer is eating it up.

Eggs are a major source of cholesterol and fat. All animal protein foods contain this as well (cheese, milk, meat and butter). We have reported on studies that show meat can turn ON/OFF cancer (The China Study and others see my book). Once cancer is turned ON, cholesterol and fat feed it. This allows it to grow rapidly out of control. Feed your body correctly and you will enjoy good health!


Reading Labels

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Do you read food labels? It is not just about fat and calories! Look at what is in the product. Processed foods (what most Americans eat) have all kinds of preservatives in them. If you can not read the name it’s not good for you. Also scan the list of ingredients taking note of what is on top of list and what is at bottom. They are listed in order of amount in the product. If you are cooking an instant mashed potato product (why you don’t just cook some potatoes and mash them I don’t understand) is potato on the top or bottom of list? I have seen products where it is at the bottom. That means there is very little real potatoes in the product. Next question you should ask “if my mashed potatoes have little of no potatoes, what am I eating?”

Labeling is a game. Manufactures set serving size so percentages look small. If you are eating several of their serving sizes you may be getting much more fat, sugar or salt than you think. We very seldom buy anything in a box, can or frozen package. We do buy pasta in a box. It is from Italy with no GMOs and no preservatives. Try to buy more things that grow and are farmed organically. Your body will thank you with good health. Remember labels serve to adversities as well. Advertisement is designed to make you buy something you really don’t need or want.


Meat Increases Risk of Cancer while Plants Decrease Risk!

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The PCRM says a recent study of 9,287 individuals showed a 15% increase in risk of colorectal cancer with consumption of red meat and a 11% increased risk with consumption of processed meats. These risks increased to 20 and 39 percent with two different genetic variants. Consumption of fruits & vegetables decreased risks of colorectal cancer.

The PCRM says “More than half of the meat products Americans consume are red meat, and nearly a quarter are processed meat.1 Processed meat products include bacon, deli slices, sausage, hot dogs, and any other meat products that have been preserved with additives or otherwise manipulated to alter color, taste, and durability. Current dietary guidelines recommend limiting red and processed meat products, but eliminating them may be the safest option, because scientific research continues to identify health hazards these products pose. What Makes These.”

If you are concerned about your health, eliminate red meats and processed meats from you diet and increase drastically your consumption of fruits and vegetables. It’s your life, CHOOSE YOUR FUEL WISELY!


Why do we have Junk Food?


Junk food is one of the most profitable businesses around! Dr Greger, in his video below, says Coca Cola is as profitable as tobacco. Unhealthy food is profitable. First you pay when you buy this food so a company can turn over insane profit margins and then you pay again as you get sick for your health care. We are all paying too much for healthy care because many of our Americans are eating way too much junk food. These companies know how to use sugar and other chemicals to addict you to their products. I believe in the American system of making money but when companies make excessive profits at the cost of American health, it is not OK! Our government looks the other way because of lobbies. Only you can change this situation. Just stop buying unhealthy foods! Watch your family get healthier and watch your savings go up.

As if this is not enough, we are subsidizing these industries with our tax dollars. Our government subsidizes companies in the production of animal products and sugar production. Both of these have changed our diets since World War II. Both sugar and animal protein are linked to many diseases including cancer and heart disease. Why do we do it? Getting sick fuels the other hugh money making industry, the drug industry.


How to get Lowest Risk of Heart Disease

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The PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) quoted a study published in “Public Health Nutrition” that says Vegetarian and Vegan eaters have the lowest risk of heart disease! The study stated:

Those who consumed a vegetarian/vegan diet had fewer heart disease risk factors including lower blood pressure, half the risk of diabetes, and a 44 percent reduced risk for hypertension, compared with those who consumed pesco-vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets. Additionally, vegetarians and vegans were 43 percent less likely to be obese, compared with non-vegetarians.

If you are on the border about meat and animal protein (eggs, milk, meat and cheese), seriously limit it’s intake or stop all together. If you can’t stop eating meat at least limit the portions to a small piece once or twice a week and increase your vegetable intake drastically. A good indicator of how much animal protein is safe is 10% of all your food intake (from “The China Study”). Count all the calories you consume in a day. Then count the calories from meat, eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt. Divide the animal protein calories by the total calories. If your number is higher than 10%, you may be at risk of diseases including heart disease and cancer.

Unfortunately the Standard American Diet (SAD) is very sad. Americans that eat eggs, bacon butter and milk for breakfast; meat and cheese for lunch and meat and potatoes for dinner have an animal protein percentage over 60% (some in the 90’s). Our bodies were not built for this type of consumption. The proof is all around you, JUST LOOK! WE have many more hospitals, medical centers and chronic illnesses are way up. It’s not just old people but our children are falling victims to these diseases at am alarming rate.


Are Low Carb Diets good for you?

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Dr Greger says “NO!” Watch the informative video below. Americans are bossed with lowering their waist lines. Many things, says Dr Greger, can lower your waistline including: An all diet of twinkies, chemo therapy but he says the goal is not to fit into a thinner casket but live with less weight. We were and still are into calories but calories don’t tell the whole story. A high calorie diet of fried foods vs a high calorie diet of fruits and vegetables are quite different. Yes keeping the waist line down is important but so is health and being alive.

Low carb diets are the rage but are they good for you? The answer seems to be NO! Low carb diets destroy our arteries allowing heart diseases to prevail. Don’t be taken in by the latest fad. Don’t look for quick fixes, they don’t exist. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Is your diet primarily made up of animal protein (meat, eggs, butter and cheese)? Consuming animal protein of more than 10% of your total calorie intake can lead to cancer and heart disease. – The China Study
  2. Is your diet primarily made up of processed foods. Eating at chain or fast food restaurants, canned, boxed or frozen foods. Even things that seem healthy like baby carrots are processed and unhealthy. if what you eats grown, it’s good for you.
  3. Is your diet primarily made up of sweets, fried foods, salty foods and fast foods? If so you are starving your body of much needed nutrients.

We need fats, carbs and nutrients for proper health. That doesn’t mean eat all the fats you want. Start teaching your family what healthy eating is. Show them by your example. You will trim down, be healthier, have better sex and be happier.


Eat your beans!

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Phytates or Phytic Acids are widely misunderstood but they may be what is in beans that are so healthy for us. Dr Greger says studies show that this ingredient may be what helps prevent cancer in those that eat a lot of beans. Meat eaters (including white beat) has a 2-3 times higher rate of colon cancer than non meat eaters. Beans seem to lower that rate. So if you must eat meat, eat your beans as well. No single food will give us good health. We all should be eating more vegetables and fruits than the average American consumes.  Each plant seems to have its own protective substances that keep us healthy, happy and strong. Are you and your family consuming enough vegetables?


How Incredible Our Bodies Are!

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Friday, I posted a very important video from Dr. Lipton on how our cells are intelligent. They communicate with each other, reproduce, respond to stimuli, take in nutrients and get rid of waste. He discussed the fact that the nucleus with our DNA was NOT the brain of the cell but a database of blueprints to build things needed by the cells. The brain was external to the cell, the environment. It stimulates our cells in good and bad ways. Nutrients cause the cells to move toward the nutrients while toxins cause the cell to move away. Genes are turned ON/OFF by different stimuli from the environment. Cancer genes gets turned ON (epigenetics) because of things in our environment like poor diet & exercise, toxins and negative thinking. We are creatures made up of all the living cells in our bodies. They are trying to react to the various stimuli in our environment. Sometimes this causes a break down in control; resulting in disease. Sometimes our bodies overcome negativity and take in positive thinking and good nutrients and survives disease free.

We are amazing creatures designed to evolve with our planet. We are changing all the time but it takes time for the cells to catch up to major environmental changes. In the last few hundred years we have increased toxins, poor nutrients, introduction of toxins in our food supply and stress in our lives. All of this is overwhelming our cells. This causes diseases like cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, COPD and many other chronic diseases. Many times these diseases lead to premature death.

You can reverse this by changing your lifestyle! Eat better (non processed whole organic foods and less animal products), exercise more, think more positive and lower the stress on yourself. For more information see my book “Food for Thought”!

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