
Kindle Version of My Book on Sale!

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Many of you have asked about the book behind this BLOG. It can be gotten for $3.03 on Amazon.

Food for Thought Cover

If you haven’t read it yet, Do so now! Get the history behind epigenetics and its influence on our health. The back of the book contains hundreds of references. Do your own research. Americans are getting sicker by the day. Modern medicine doesn’t have the answers obviously. Only you can change your health and your families. This book arms you with information that enables you to research and determine what changes are correct in your life and diet.

The End of an Era!


This will be my last BLOG on here. It has been fun and educational. To all of you that told me it helped cure a decease of a loved one or yourself…thanks. There is a ton of material in this BLOG to go through and my book “Food for Thought, An Epigenetic guide to Wellness”, is available in hard cover, paperback and eBook from both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The eBook is my favorite because it lets me set bookmarks and highlight information. There are over 200 references in the book. This is a great start to doing your own search on health. I have enjoyed the years of doing this BLOG and thank the thousands of readers I have. It is time to move on to other projects. I am still doing my travel in Europe BLOG for those planning a trip. Good health to all my readers. Don’t believe the TV commercials, they are designed to sell you processed foods. Get to know your local farm markets. Enjoy your food again.


So What is Epigenetics Anyway – Part 5?

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Epigenetics is the basis of who we are. It plays the human symphony on our genes. In addition it makes each of us unique. It is what causes both health and sickness depending on the environment it is playing in. In my book, “Food for Thought – An Epigenetic Guide to Wellness”, I discuss the various things that affect our epigenetics:

  1. Exercise
  2. Stress
  3. Diet
  4. How we think (positive or negative)
  5. What we believe

The book is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com as hard cover, paper back or eBook. Each of us should make an effort to exercise more . Walking is a great exercise. It does;t have to be super hard exercise to benefit you. Lower the stress in our lives by not worrying about the things we can’t change and changing what we can. We all need to change our diet. SAD (Standard American Diet) is NOT working. We eat too many fatty, fried and sugary and salty foods. Be determined to eat more vegetables. Cut back on animal protein consumption (eggs, meat, milk and cheese). Eat less salt and sugar (substitute fruit instead). Train yourself to be a positive thinker. Surround yourself with other positive thinkers. Believe in yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU MUST DO IT, if you want to remain healthy. Stop reading about it, stop thinking about it and DO IT! It’s your life and only you are responsible for it.


So What is epigenetics anyway – Part 2?

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How does this programming work? It’s a lot like computers. Computers have operating system code that benefits all the programs running and does common functions like clean-up and printing. Then there are normal programs that can do anything from spreadsheets to movie making. Epigenetics works a lot like this. The operating system code is what makes each cell a certain type (e.g. blood cell, skin cell, hearty cell, brain cell, etc.). Epigenetics turns on certain genes and off others making the cell react like the type it is becoming. Once done any cell divisions will be this type as well. There is epigenetics that runs the cell (this is the same from the lowest life forms, through plants to animals). This programs cell division, nutrient intake, waste explosion, etc. But cells are living thinking entities that have to change and react to their environments. They do this through epigenetics. What we eat, how we think, our hormones all cause epigenetic changes that can be good or bad for us. They are not trying to make us sick but react to something in their environment. This is how we change along with Earth’s changes and evolve. What we eat can be so different from what we ate 100 years ago (processed foods) that our cells do things that cause disease.

All of this is happening within each cell of our bodies. There are more cells in each of us than animals on our planet. Think about that! We are a living thinking reacting community of cells. If our cells get in trouble, we get in trouble. Our cells also talk to each other through epigenetics. This form includes messages that can affect nearby cells or travel the body to distant cells. Hormones are a good example of this. Our brain produces them and cells all over our body react to them. Puberty causes massive changes to our cells and their functionality allowing us to become sexual and procreate.


How’s Your Libido?

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Everyone wants great sex! It is a part of our inner most brain. Modern society with our poor diets and lack of exercise and stress can cause our sex drive to move into low gear. How do we get it back in high gear? Diet is important since cholesterol can block veins and cause a man to be impotent. Exercise keeps us in shape as well. The Therapy Book lists the top ways to keep your sex drive in high gear.

They list the top ten things we can eat to keep us on track sexually:

  • FIGS
  • EGGS

The only one I disagree with is eggs! They are high in cholesterol. Go to the link above to read what each of these does. Diet is not just about losing weight but being healthy and enjoying a great sex life. Happy eating!


Can we set the Age Clock back?

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Dr Greger says YES! Most diseases are avoidable! Eating right, not being obese and not smoking cut our risk of chronic disease by 78%! Think what that means. Our healthcare drops in cost drastically. Our cost of health care is reduced drastically. We live longer and our last 20 years on Earth are more enjoyable. Do you want to be active and enjoy your kids and grandkids or be unable to walk or do anything and be bed ridden with a disease? It is your choice. Every major study shows the same results. When I talk to most doctors about this, they say yes a vegan diet will keep you healthy but no one wants to give up meat so I don’t say anything. This reminds me of when I was younger and at an annual physical with my doctor. I asked him about smoking. He said it’s not unhealthy if it was more people would be dying. He was a smoker and is now dead of lung cancer. How many people have to die before we learn?

Eat right and stay healthy.


Food For Thought

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My book, Food for Thought, takes you through an introduction to epigenetics and genetics. How we evolved these systems and how our environment affects epigenetics. By environment, I mean the food we eat, what we breathe, how we think and what we believe in. Most of us know if we smoke we have a high probability of getting lung cancer. Most of us also know if we are exposed to radiation we can also develop cancer. But few people realize how important the food we eat is. We think more about the fuel we put in our cars than what we put into our bodies.  Food breaks down into energy, sugars (which set off many different epigenetic reactions), nutrients needed by the cell and minerals needed. If we are not getting the proper amounts of these, our cells can not function properly.

How we think and what we believe also affects who we are. We have all heard stories of a person on deaths bed, the doctors can do nothing to help. Then they suddenly are cured completely. Our minds are very powerful instruments. If you think positive and feel you are healthy, happy and well, you will be. If you, on the other hand, feel you will get a disease and die. You most likely will. What do you eat? how do you think and What do you believe? These may be the three most important questions you can ask yourself.

Eat healthy, think positive and believe in yourself. My book today (eBook) is for sale on Barns and Noble for $8.49 and Amazon for $3.03. Search for “Febish”.


Asthma in our Children


Dr Greger reports on a study showing children’s asthma is on increase worldwide. But it differs from one country to the next. Environmental changes? Which ones? It turns out diet was biggest factor. Those that consume more fruit and vegetables have lower asthma rates. Can feeding our children properly result in lower cases of asthma? YES! Eggs also showed increased asthma. So reducing animal protein and increasing plant protein seems to reduce asthma drastically. Eat properly for our species and all major diseases are reduced or non-existent.

Why is this so? Well Dr Greger says the flora seems to increase our immune systems. Better immune systems will lower diseases. Diet is always a choice. Choose wisely.



A High-Fat Diet may increase Risk of Breast Cancer

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The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) says that a diet high in fat can increase risk of Breast Cancer. Women concerned about breast cancer need to look at this article. Reduce your fat to good fats and stop intake of all saturated fats. This was study of 337,327 women by the National Cancer Institute.  Cancer is a concern among all of us. Women in particular are concerned about breast cancer. The more we research cancers of all types, we see that they are highly related to our diet. Americans have the worst diet in the world and we have some of the highest cancer rates as well. You can change your diet to a healthier one. Once you do, you will find you enjoy healthier foods more than you ever thought. We have only one body, take care of it and fuel it correctly!


Why do we have Junk Food?


Junk food is one of the most profitable businesses around! Dr Greger, in his video below, says Coca Cola is as profitable as tobacco. Unhealthy food is profitable. First you pay when you buy this food so a company can turn over insane profit margins and then you pay again as you get sick for your health care. We are all paying too much for healthy care because many of our Americans are eating way too much junk food. These companies know how to use sugar and other chemicals to addict you to their products. I believe in the American system of making money but when companies make excessive profits at the cost of American health, it is not OK! Our government looks the other way because of lobbies. Only you can change this situation. Just stop buying unhealthy foods! Watch your family get healthier and watch your savings go up.

As if this is not enough, we are subsidizing these industries with our tax dollars. Our government subsidizes companies in the production of animal products and sugar production. Both of these have changed our diets since World War II. Both sugar and animal protein are linked to many diseases including cancer and heart disease. Why do we do it? Getting sick fuels the other hugh money making industry, the drug industry.


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