
Do a Health Food Inventory

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Do you eat healthy? Really? Check your refrigerator, freezer and pantry! How many frozen food items, boxes, cans and bags are there? These are all processed foods. Each of these contain either preservatives, sugars, fats or salt. Some contain multiple of these and some contain all of them. Processed sugar leads to diabetes and weight issues. It can also feed cancers. Salts lead to high blood pressure issues. Remember you get a lot more salt from processed foods (without any taste of salt) than you do from a salt shaker. Then you probably add salt for taste. Fats are in two categories good fats like in avocados and bad fats like saturated fats. Frying is bad in two ways you get saturated fats and the temperature causes fats to burn which is carcinogenic. Preservatives kill bacteria but they also kill our cells which causes problems within us. All life has similar cell structure. If it can kill bacteria or bugs it can kill your cells. You may not drop over dead but it is affecting your body.

Eat really healthy. If it grows and is organic eat it! If you have to eat meat, eat organic fed meats and limit the amount of meat, eggs, milk and cheese you eat.


New Research on Preventing Cancer


The PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine) post new research on cancer and recommendations for avoiding it. The recommendations are pretty much what this BLOG is about. Avoid alcohol, dairy, red and processed meats and meats cooked at a high temperature. On the positive side they recommend eating many more vegetables and fruits. The question of “White” meats was not addressed. I believe they are dangerous as well since they contain 85% of the saturated fats of red meats. If you can’t give up meat totally, cut way back on it! Eat more plant based foods. Learn new recipes that use plants instead of meat. Eat fruits for desserts instead of sugary foods.

The evil in our diets are Saturated Fats, processed Sugars, and Salt! Americans consume way too much of these three evils. The result is a population that is mostly sick. Cure yourself and your families by changing your diet.


Vegetarians – Where Do You Get Your Protein?

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As a vegetarian, I am always asked “Where do you get your protein?”. All food is made of protein! Every cell in every animal, vegetable and fruit are made of protein. A recent study, as reported by Dr Greger in his video below, shows that all Americans, carnivores, vegetarians and vegens get more protein than they need on a daily basis. Too much protein can be toxic and affect the kidneys and liver. So put to rest this question once and for all. We are all getting enough protein in our diets.

Dr Greger asks a more important question, “Where do you get your fiber?”. 97% of Americans are DEFICIENT in fiber! This is a major concern to your health. Some Americans think that steak gives them fiber. This is false. By definition, fiber ONLY comes from plant foods. If you are not eating enough vegetables and fruits, you are NOT getting enough fiber!

What are you eating?


Food For Thought

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My book, Food for Thought, takes you through an introduction to epigenetics and genetics. How we evolved these systems and how our environment affects epigenetics. By environment, I mean the food we eat, what we breathe, how we think and what we believe in. Most of us know if we smoke we have a high probability of getting lung cancer. Most of us also know if we are exposed to radiation we can also develop cancer. But few people realize how important the food we eat is. We think more about the fuel we put in our cars than what we put into our bodies.  Food breaks down into energy, sugars (which set off many different epigenetic reactions), nutrients needed by the cell and minerals needed. If we are not getting the proper amounts of these, our cells can not function properly.

How we think and what we believe also affects who we are. We have all heard stories of a person on deaths bed, the doctors can do nothing to help. Then they suddenly are cured completely. Our minds are very powerful instruments. If you think positive and feel you are healthy, happy and well, you will be. If you, on the other hand, feel you will get a disease and die. You most likely will. What do you eat? how do you think and What do you believe? These may be the three most important questions you can ask yourself.

Eat healthy, think positive and believe in yourself. My book today (eBook) is for sale on Barns and Noble for $8.49 and Amazon for $3.03. Search for “Febish”.


How bad are French Fries?

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Eating unhealthy have an 8 times better chance of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Dr Greger says heating oils hot to fry foods like donuts, french fries and fried fish or chicken is carcinogenic. Watch the video below. More and more the studies show eating has the largest impact on our health. You say but everyone eats french fries and fried fish or chicken right? Yes and most people are getting cancer! If you don’t care about health issues, eat away. If you do care about the long-term effects on your health and your family’s health, change your eating habits. If you get out of the group of “everyone eats french fries and fried fish or chicken” you can also get out of the group of “Everyone gets cancer”!


Nature or Man Made?

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I find it ironic that so many studies are showing the positive effects of natural foods (natures pills). They prevent almost every disease that we get and they can cure disease we already have. The solution is so easy and so inexpensive. No marketing on TV just eat more plant-based foods and less animal-based foods. Diseases have reached a critical point in our country. The cost of insurance is rising. How much more can it rise before the system fails? The alternative is the American Cure all System, DRUGS! If you watch enough TV you will believe there is a pill for everything. The side effects can be horrible and even life threatening. So why do we choose a man-made pill over natures natural solution? It’s marketing 101. People believe what they hear on TV and radio. We believe getting old is the problem, when it’s not. We believe everyone gets sick, but they don’t. We believe the only solution is drugs, It’s not! You have a choice, choose wisely. The truth is vegans do live longer, happier and healthier. They almost never get a chronic illness.

Cholesterol and Breast Cancer

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One in every eight woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer. That is sad but the really sad thing is it can be prevented with a dietary change. Dr Greger says that broccoli, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and other plant-based foods can reduce the risk. He says new studies show a link between cholesterol and breast cancer. The cholesterol fat feeds the cancer and allows it to grow. the study shows a 17% increase in cancer risk for women with cholesterol over 240 as opposed to those under 160. This may be why cholesterol drops in cancer patients. The cancer is eating it up.

Eggs are a major source of cholesterol and fat. All animal protein foods contain this as well (cheese, milk, meat and butter). We have reported on studies that show meat can turn ON/OFF cancer (The China Study and others see my book). Once cancer is turned ON, cholesterol and fat feed it. This allows it to grow rapidly out of control. Feed your body correctly and you will enjoy good health!


Reading Labels

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Do you read food labels? It is not just about fat and calories! Look at what is in the product. Processed foods (what most Americans eat) have all kinds of preservatives in them. If you can not read the name it’s not good for you. Also scan the list of ingredients taking note of what is on top of list and what is at bottom. They are listed in order of amount in the product. If you are cooking an instant mashed potato product (why you don’t just cook some potatoes and mash them I don’t understand) is potato on the top or bottom of list? I have seen products where it is at the bottom. That means there is very little real potatoes in the product. Next question you should ask “if my mashed potatoes have little of no potatoes, what am I eating?”

Labeling is a game. Manufactures set serving size so percentages look small. If you are eating several of their serving sizes you may be getting much more fat, sugar or salt than you think. We very seldom buy anything in a box, can or frozen package. We do buy pasta in a box. It is from Italy with no GMOs and no preservatives. Try to buy more things that grow and are farmed organically. Your body will thank you with good health. Remember labels serve to adversities as well. Advertisement is designed to make you buy something you really don’t need or want.


Asthma in our Children


Dr Greger reports on a study showing children’s asthma is on increase worldwide. But it differs from one country to the next. Environmental changes? Which ones? It turns out diet was biggest factor. Those that consume more fruit and vegetables have lower asthma rates. Can feeding our children properly result in lower cases of asthma? YES! Eggs also showed increased asthma. So reducing animal protein and increasing plant protein seems to reduce asthma drastically. Eat properly for our species and all major diseases are reduced or non-existent.

Why is this so? Well Dr Greger says the flora seems to increase our immune systems. Better immune systems will lower diseases. Diet is always a choice. Choose wisely.



Meat Increases Risk of Cancer while Plants Decrease Risk!

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The PCRM says a recent study of 9,287 individuals showed a 15% increase in risk of colorectal cancer with consumption of red meat and a 11% increased risk with consumption of processed meats. These risks increased to 20 and 39 percent with two different genetic variants. Consumption of fruits & vegetables decreased risks of colorectal cancer.

The PCRM says “More than half of the meat products Americans consume are red meat, and nearly a quarter are processed meat.1 Processed meat products include bacon, deli slices, sausage, hot dogs, and any other meat products that have been preserved with additives or otherwise manipulated to alter color, taste, and durability. Current dietary guidelines recommend limiting red and processed meat products, but eliminating them may be the safest option, because scientific research continues to identify health hazards these products pose. What Makes These.”

If you are concerned about your health, eliminate red meats and processed meats from you diet and increase drastically your consumption of fruits and vegetables. It’s your life, CHOOSE YOUR FUEL WISELY!


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