
Top 10 Health Benefits to Eat Vegetables Foods


I know Vegetables don’t taste as good as burgers or being completely honest they are not even close to the cheesing melting burger you ate two days ago but what if I tell you that burgers, or any junk food for that matters, won’t do you any good. Yes, there, I said it!

I am not asking you to completely give up your burger appetite but what you need to do is try having vegetables on daily basis. The choice is yours now. You can either keep it real or make a salad or something or you can sneak them into a smoothie. Because the benefits I’m going to share with you will make you want to eat vegetables every day. Behold! Here are top 10 benefits to eat vegetable foods.

  1. 1.     Makes your skin radiant


Having problem with your skin? Does it not glow like it is supposed to? One of the reasons might be that you’re not eating enough vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of water which not just help your skin get your glow back but also removes acne too.

A study conducted by Dr Ian Stephan at the University of Nottingham that for looking to gain a greater glow for your skin, there is no better long lasting remedy than eating vegetables generously. (Reference: https://www.sciencedaily.com/)

  1. 2.     Help with the weight loss


Having the best skin with the best body is like cherry on top and it comes as no surprise when I say that vegetables also help you lose weight because they contain almost no levels of fat or sugar.

Vegetables are like the ever-lasting friends which are benefit for almost everything and anything. They don’t just have any level of fat but it contains high amount of fiber. Having a diet with no calories is something we all crave for.

A study conducted by Yeo and Roberts showed the link between eating low fat, high fiber food and weight loss. This study lasted longer than six months.(Reference:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

In short, a diet containing high amount of vegetables and more use of this diet in your daily nutrition can help you lose weight.

  1. 3.     Improve Mental Health and Memory


There is a reason when your mothers scold you because you are not having enough of vegetables in your diet. When we talk about vegetables and its benefits, it not only focuses on our physical health but also our mental state of mind and its health.

A study by Olivia Okereke on memory retention found that over the period of 4 years that the mental capacity of their subjects, those with higher content of fat in their diet, performed remarkably worse in mental test as compared to those with low fat content. (Reference: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/)

This might also be due to the buildup fat deposition in the body which could ultimately lead to Alzheimer’s.

One particular vegetable which might help you with better mental health is tomato because of the particular pigment present in it whatsoever.


  1. 4.     Better eye sight


Being a short sighted person myself, I would literally try everything or anything someone might recommend me for better eye sight because no one knows the value of 6/6 eye sight except for the person who has to wear glasses or contacts 24/7 and is practically blind without it.

Carrots have shown to build-up night vision for some people. And to what extent is that true?

A study from Perlman showed that the poor eye sight was due to the reduced levels of Vitamin A in the body.(Reference:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

The experiment showed that some of the patients were given Vitamin A injections while the others were not. Those patients who received Vitamin A injections showed retention of eye sight within 7 months as compared to the group who was not supplemented with Vitamin A injections.

  1. 5.     Keeps you hydrated


When we talk about vegetables, we know that most of them contain 85% water in them. The top listed vegetable with the highest amount of water are cucumber, lettuce and celery which contains 95% water. Imagine how beneficial they must be for your health.

These vegetables keep you hydrated and fresh. Some of the vegetables are not completely water based but it makes a perfect sense when I say that vegetables are the best for keeping you hydrated and fresh.

  1. 6.     Lower the risk of cardio vascular diseases


Most of the cardio vascular diseases arise due to the increased cholesterol and fat content in the body which ends up with deposition and further cardio vascular diseases. And I don’t even have to explain how vegetables might lower the risk of cardio vascular problem because they contain low fat content.

The Harvard Public Health Institute suggests that foods with high fat content (high levels of cholesterol in the body) when eaten for a long time, may prove fatal. (Reference: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/)

And so vegetables are the perfect treatment for yet another disease. What it tells us is that we need to hold back on our favorite street food and the cheesy burgers and the spiciest steaks.

  1. 7.     Less chance of kidney stones


Not just cardio vascular diseases, but diseases like constipation and kidney stones can also be treated by regular intake of vegetables on daily basis to a great extent.

New York University Langone Medical Centre reported that high level of vegetable in the diet is associated with low formation of kidney stones. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

  1. 8.     Improves mood


It sounds a little irrational but studies have shown a link between better mood and vegetable consumption.

Researchers at Benedectine University performed an experiment which clearly showed that restricting the consumption and animal products like fish, poultry and meat was directly proportional to the elevated mood. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

It does sound bizarre too because event thinking of vegetables makes my mood go low but scientifically proven studies show a completely opposite result.

  1. 9.     Low risk of obesity


The fact that we will be taking almost no amount of fat in our diet clearly gives the idea that we won’t be getting fat at all. Eating vegetables avoid binge eating.

According to University Hospital in Belgium, following a vegetarian diet not only brings benefit in short term but also in preventing long term obesity. (Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)

  1. 10   Reduces incidence of Diabetes


According to the studies conducted in Loma Linda University School of Public Health, vegetable reduces the risk of Diabetes. Vegetables offer an important benefit for the management of diabetes and can even reduce the likelihood of development by one half. (Reference: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com)


The fact the vegetables can be roasted, baked, mashed or consumed directly is the reason that it is the most versatile food in the world.



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About The Author

Rachel Stinson has always had a knack for writing, food, fashion, and places. Blogging has combined all four for her with an added bonus of enthusiastic audiences. She expertly analyzes real estates and restaurants with respect to pricing and people involved and can express her opinions in an unhesitant, engaging manner.

Where do you get your Protein?


As vegetarians, we are this question all the time. We are also asked “what do you eat?” The answer to the first question is everything! Anything from plant or animal kingdoms are made of cells which are constructed from protein.

I saw the following picture snd it just said it so well.


Kindle Version of My Book on Sale!

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Many of you have asked about the book behind this BLOG. It can be gotten for $3.03 on Amazon.

Food for Thought Cover

If you haven’t read it yet, Do so now! Get the history behind epigenetics and its influence on our health. The back of the book contains hundreds of references. Do your own research. Americans are getting sicker by the day. Modern medicine doesn’t have the answers obviously. Only you can change your health and your families. This book arms you with information that enables you to research and determine what changes are correct in your life and diet.

The End of an Era!


This will be my last BLOG on here. It has been fun and educational. To all of you that told me it helped cure a decease of a loved one or yourself…thanks. There is a ton of material in this BLOG to go through and my book “Food for Thought, An Epigenetic guide to Wellness”, is available in hard cover, paperback and eBook from both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The eBook is my favorite because it lets me set bookmarks and highlight information. There are over 200 references in the book. This is a great start to doing your own search on health. I have enjoyed the years of doing this BLOG and thank the thousands of readers I have. It is time to move on to other projects. I am still doing my travel in Europe BLOG for those planning a trip. Good health to all my readers. Don’t believe the TV commercials, they are designed to sell you processed foods. Get to know your local farm markets. Enjoy your food again.


Do a Health Food Inventory

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Do you eat healthy? Really? Check your refrigerator, freezer and pantry! How many frozen food items, boxes, cans and bags are there? These are all processed foods. Each of these contain either preservatives, sugars, fats or salt. Some contain multiple of these and some contain all of them. Processed sugar leads to diabetes and weight issues. It can also feed cancers. Salts lead to high blood pressure issues. Remember you get a lot more salt from processed foods (without any taste of salt) than you do from a salt shaker. Then you probably add salt for taste. Fats are in two categories good fats like in avocados and bad fats like saturated fats. Frying is bad in two ways you get saturated fats and the temperature causes fats to burn which is carcinogenic. Preservatives kill bacteria but they also kill our cells which causes problems within us. All life has similar cell structure. If it can kill bacteria or bugs it can kill your cells. You may not drop over dead but it is affecting your body.

Eat really healthy. If it grows and is organic eat it! If you have to eat meat, eat organic fed meats and limit the amount of meat, eggs, milk and cheese you eat.


Processed Foods

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What are they and how do they affect our health? The food industry is very smart about how they label their food products. They set portion sizes to weird numbers so the amounts appear to be good. They list vitamins that they are strong in but natural foods have plenty of these without the sugars and fats. They also know that sugar, salt and fat cause us to crave foods. This is good to their corporate bottom line but bad for  our health. These three substances (sugar, bad fat and salt) contribute to most of our chronic illnesses. Civil Eats has a BLOG that goes into how things are labeled. This is an important article for anyone interested in a real healthy diet. You control what goes into your mouth! Therefore you control your health.


Gluten Gluten … What is the truth?

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Dr Greger wrote an excellent article on gluten and what is happening in America. He says that the internet has exaggerated the number of gluten intolerant people in the US. This then spurred a multi million dollar gluten-free market. Do we need it? What are the facts? He gives expert advice on his new DVD video. Watch this video if you are concerned about gluten. The video at this link shows why we should NOT go gluten-free unless there is a good medical reason. We need gluten in our diets. Americans need to stop following the latest fads and eat a healthy nature provided diet.


Do you eat your beans?

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Dr Greger says eating legumes reduces the risk of diabetes. It also lowers body weight as well. Watch the video below for details! Beans are a powerful food but they are one type of plant protein. You should be eating many types of plant protein. Choose from dark colors like reds, greens, oranges and yellows. Eat all types of vegetables including legumes. I enjoy a vegetable stir fry. Use a WOK to sauté a variety of vegetables with garlic and ginger until al dente. Then mix in some soy sauce. Sever over brown rice. This is a very nutritious meal that provides many servings of vegetables. There is some oil for brain function as well. Mix up different vegetables each time. I love soy beans, broccoli, broccoli robe, string beans, peppers, bok choy and many others. Mix, try and see what you like. Healthy eating and a healthy life! Try this without any meat for days when you avoid animal protein.


Cancer is NUTS!

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Can something as simple as a nut help prevent cancer? YES! Dr Greger says even two handfuls of nuts a week can help protect against cancer. Plant based life protects us by building our immune system. It is great fuel for our bodies. There is always a danger of having people eat two handfuls of nuts a week and no other plants. Good strong health requires a mix of fruits and vegetables and nuts. Add beans, different colored vegetables and different fruits to your regular diet. Cut out sugary foods, salty foods and saturated fat foods. Watch the weight drop off and your health will improve. Buon Appétit!



America, The Nation of Drugs!

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Does it bother anyone else that we have become so drug oriented in our medicine? It would be OK if we were getting healthier but we are NOT! America is getting sicker and sicker. Insurance costs are alarmingly high. Most people, of all ages, are on some drugs. Only vegans seem to bypass this curse. When I watch TV commercials it’s amazing how many are for drugs. Then you watch beautiful scenery, nice people being happy as they read the many many side effects of the drug. I often sit there amazed that people take these drugs for a relatively minor symptom and have series side effects to deal with. Why?

I know some drugs are necessary and are helping people but most are just making money and causing serious side effects. I have been lucky with my diet I don’t take any drugs. My doctors are always amazed. Live right and be healthy. Live to be happy not just enduring it!


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