
Kindle Version of My Book on Sale!

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Many of you have asked about the book behind this BLOG. It can be gotten for $3.03 on Amazon.

Food for Thought Cover

If you haven’t read it yet, Do so now! Get the history behind epigenetics and its influence on our health. The back of the book contains hundreds of references. Do your own research. Americans are getting sicker by the day. Modern medicine doesn’t have the answers obviously. Only you can change your health and your families. This book arms you with information that enables you to research and determine what changes are correct in your life and diet.

The End of an Era!


This will be my last BLOG on here. It has been fun and educational. To all of you that told me it helped cure a decease of a loved one or yourself…thanks. There is a ton of material in this BLOG to go through and my book “Food for Thought, An Epigenetic guide to Wellness”, is available in hard cover, paperback and eBook from both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The eBook is my favorite because it lets me set bookmarks and highlight information. There are over 200 references in the book. This is a great start to doing your own search on health. I have enjoyed the years of doing this BLOG and thank the thousands of readers I have. It is time to move on to other projects. I am still doing my travel in Europe BLOG for those planning a trip. Good health to all my readers. Don’t believe the TV commercials, they are designed to sell you processed foods. Get to know your local farm markets. Enjoy your food again.


Do a Health Food Inventory

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Do you eat healthy? Really? Check your refrigerator, freezer and pantry! How many frozen food items, boxes, cans and bags are there? These are all processed foods. Each of these contain either preservatives, sugars, fats or salt. Some contain multiple of these and some contain all of them. Processed sugar leads to diabetes and weight issues. It can also feed cancers. Salts lead to high blood pressure issues. Remember you get a lot more salt from processed foods (without any taste of salt) than you do from a salt shaker. Then you probably add salt for taste. Fats are in two categories good fats like in avocados and bad fats like saturated fats. Frying is bad in two ways you get saturated fats and the temperature causes fats to burn which is carcinogenic. Preservatives kill bacteria but they also kill our cells which causes problems within us. All life has similar cell structure. If it can kill bacteria or bugs it can kill your cells. You may not drop over dead but it is affecting your body.

Eat really healthy. If it grows and is organic eat it! If you have to eat meat, eat organic fed meats and limit the amount of meat, eggs, milk and cheese you eat.


Processed Foods

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What are they and how do they affect our health? The food industry is very smart about how they label their food products. They set portion sizes to weird numbers so the amounts appear to be good. They list vitamins that they are strong in but natural foods have plenty of these without the sugars and fats. They also know that sugar, salt and fat cause us to crave foods. This is good to their corporate bottom line but bad for  our health. These three substances (sugar, bad fat and salt) contribute to most of our chronic illnesses. Civil Eats has a BLOG that goes into how things are labeled. This is an important article for anyone interested in a real healthy diet. You control what goes into your mouth! Therefore you control your health.


Do you eat your beans?

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Dr Greger says eating legumes reduces the risk of diabetes. It also lowers body weight as well. Watch the video below for details! Beans are a powerful food but they are one type of plant protein. You should be eating many types of plant protein. Choose from dark colors like reds, greens, oranges and yellows. Eat all types of vegetables including legumes. I enjoy a vegetable stir fry. Use a WOK to sauté a variety of vegetables with garlic and ginger until al dente. Then mix in some soy sauce. Sever over brown rice. This is a very nutritious meal that provides many servings of vegetables. There is some oil for brain function as well. Mix up different vegetables each time. I love soy beans, broccoli, broccoli robe, string beans, peppers, bok choy and many others. Mix, try and see what you like. Healthy eating and a healthy life! Try this without any meat for days when you avoid animal protein.



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Dr. Greger says that changing your diet from twice as much meat as vegetable to equal portions slows down progression of cancer. A total vegan diet eliminates the cancer. If you feel you must eat some meat, try to eat less than half the amount of vegetables you consume Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein). If you really want to wipe out cancer’s hold or future hold on your family, go VEGAN! Recently I went for an annual physical and had to fill out a new government form on diet. Asking me if I was vegetarian or vegan. That is exciting news. I don’t know if our government will do anything with this information but they are at least interested in the statistics. Test after test shows that a complete vegan diet will prevent cancer and reverse existing cancers. It also eliminates most of the top 20 killers of Americans (see my book for more information).


Cancer is NUTS!

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Can something as simple as a nut help prevent cancer? YES! Dr Greger says even two handfuls of nuts a week can help protect against cancer. Plant based life protects us by building our immune system. It is great fuel for our bodies. There is always a danger of having people eat two handfuls of nuts a week and no other plants. Good strong health requires a mix of fruits and vegetables and nuts. Add beans, different colored vegetables and different fruits to your regular diet. Cut out sugary foods, salty foods and saturated fat foods. Watch the weight drop off and your health will improve. Buon Appétit!



America, The Nation of Drugs!

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Does it bother anyone else that we have become so drug oriented in our medicine? It would be OK if we were getting healthier but we are NOT! America is getting sicker and sicker. Insurance costs are alarmingly high. Most people, of all ages, are on some drugs. Only vegans seem to bypass this curse. When I watch TV commercials it’s amazing how many are for drugs. Then you watch beautiful scenery, nice people being happy as they read the many many side effects of the drug. I often sit there amazed that people take these drugs for a relatively minor symptom and have series side effects to deal with. Why?

I know some drugs are necessary and are helping people but most are just making money and causing serious side effects. I have been lucky with my diet I don’t take any drugs. My doctors are always amazed. Live right and be healthy. Live to be happy not just enduring it!


Why do we get sick?

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With the power of nature and our epigenetics, why can’t our bodies adjust and keep us healthy? Nature takes millions of years to adjust to changes. Normally changes come slowly. When they o come fast they wipe out a major part of a species and those left need to adjust rapidly or go extinct. Both scenarios occur all the time. We are making changes to our bodies and environment at a very rapid degree. Our epigenetics tries to adjust but some of the changes cause conditions that can not be overcome! Take a diet that turns ON cancer genes and turns OFF tumor fighting genes. This makes it near impossible to fight the disease.

We have changed our environment in so many ways:

  1. Global warming
  2. Processed foods
  3. Not enough consumption of plants
  4. Stressful lives
  5. Negative thinking and beliefs
  6. Little or no exercise

This causes our bodies to be overwhelmed to the extent that our bodies become ill. All of these things are choices we all have. Make the right choice and you have a higher probability of health and extended life. Make the wrong ones and that probability drops rapidly. What choices do you make on the above items? How is your healthy? How many medications are you on? Choose wisely.


So What is Epigenetics Anyway – Part 5?

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Epigenetics is the basis of who we are. It plays the human symphony on our genes. In addition it makes each of us unique. It is what causes both health and sickness depending on the environment it is playing in. In my book, “Food for Thought – An Epigenetic Guide to Wellness”, I discuss the various things that affect our epigenetics:

  1. Exercise
  2. Stress
  3. Diet
  4. How we think (positive or negative)
  5. What we believe

The book is available at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com as hard cover, paper back or eBook. Each of us should make an effort to exercise more . Walking is a great exercise. It does;t have to be super hard exercise to benefit you. Lower the stress in our lives by not worrying about the things we can’t change and changing what we can. We all need to change our diet. SAD (Standard American Diet) is NOT working. We eat too many fatty, fried and sugary and salty foods. Be determined to eat more vegetables. Cut back on animal protein consumption (eggs, meat, milk and cheese). Eat less salt and sugar (substitute fruit instead). Train yourself to be a positive thinker. Surround yourself with other positive thinkers. Believe in yourself. YOU CAN DO IT! YOU MUST DO IT, if you want to remain healthy. Stop reading about it, stop thinking about it and DO IT! It’s your life and only you are responsible for it.


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